Friday, July 26, 2013


8-year old Jemmie and his friends had began to play marbles when what seemed to be a cloud blocked out the sun. But when the boys looked up they saw it wasn't a cloud at all. It was a huge bird. The bird dived at the boys who scattered but Jemmie wasn't fast enough. The bird slashed him with its talons and lifted him 30 ft. in the air ( Jemmie weighed 60 pounds. No known bird can lift that much weight.) before dropping him. By now Jemmie is dead due to the sharp talons and drop. Jemmie just had an encounter with a Thunderbird. Although photos are lacking sightings are not rare. It is seen mostly in southern states like Texas and Missouri. Thunderbirds where thought to just be Indian lore. But people say they have seen Thunderbirds attacking people and even planes. What do you think? Real or fake? Post your thoughts in the comments.

  • Young, Jerry . Mysterious Monsters: Real or Unreal?. Greensburg: Willowisp Press, Inc., 1983. Print.

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