Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jersey Devil

 In densely populated areas in New Jersey there is a creature called the Jersey devil. The Jersey devil is said to have the head of a ram, wings like a bat, a forked tail, and the body of a kangaroo. One day in 1909 at beaver pond a telephone company employee walked into the woods. He soon came running back out screaming. He ran up a telephone pole. Hearing his screams his friends came to help him, just in time to see the Jersey Devil come charging after the man. The creature began climbing the telephone pole. One of his friends shot the creature, breaking its wing making it fall off the telephone pole. Before any of them could react the creature had regained its self and escaped. What do you think? Real or fake? Post your thoughts in the comments.

  • Young, Jerry . Mysterious Monsters: Real or Unreal?. Greensburg: Willowisp Press, Inc., 1983. Print.

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