Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mutant canine

Something is stalking northern North America and along the way it is killing house pets. It is known as the mutant canine. Eyewitnesses describe a dog-like creature with a flat snout,small ears and weighs over 100 pounds. Now for the witnesses: A man was instructed to take care of his neighbor's terrier. On one day he let the terrier out and heard whimpers and growls and the terrier never returned. Soon after something killed a colt in his field. But there were no wolves in the area he lived. But there was something else... something from nightmares... the mutant canine. What do you think? Post your thoughts in the comments.

"Mutant Canine." Bosch, Dale. MonsterQuest. History Channel. 5 Dec. 2007. Television.

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