Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dover Demon

What's that! Yelled Bill Bartlett as he saw a creature with huge glassy eyes. He slammed on the breaks of the car but when he came back to where he had seen the animal, it had disappeared.  Bartlett just had an encounter with a Dover Demon. Bartlett said the Dover Demon was four feet tall, had a figure eight shaped head and had feet that appeared to be molded to the rocks it was stepping on. Bill drew a sketch of what he had seen. You can find an enhanced version of the sketch above. Other witnesses drew pictures of what they seen. All the pictures appeared to be  of the same animal. What do you think? Real or fake? Post your thoughts in the comments.

  • Cohen, Daniel. Monsters You Never Heard of. New York City: Pocket Books, 1980. Print.

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