Monday, January 5, 2015

Pyura Chilensis

I know that the pyura chilensis is not a cryptid, but I think it still deserves a post on any cryptid blog. The pyura chilensis is a living rock, or so seems. The outside of the creature looks like a rock, but as soon as you cut into it you see it has flesh and organs. Its blood is clear and contains the rare substance vanadium. They are usually found in colonies, yet they are completely immobile. they would make terribly boring pets as they may be alive, but they still are just rocks. They are heavily fished for there meat along the shores of Peru and Chile. The video above shows people cut one open and take out some of its flesh. I want to first make a point that the pyura chilensis cannot feel pain. I would also like to say that I have a marine conservation blog, so I do not like it at all that they killed the poor thing, But I also think that it is not much different then picking a plant. Post your take on this creature in the comments.

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