Tuesday, January 6, 2015


This is the most terrifying and tragic cryptid story of all time. The story differs from place to place but the most well known story is the story of doctor "Crowe". The story goes that That the doctor began to take in orphan children. After a while he began to perform torturous experiments on them. One of these experiments, where he ejected there heads with chemicals causing extreme swelling in their craniums and making them mentally insane. Hence the name melonheads. After years of abuse the melonheads where able to kill doctor Crowe and hang his corpse on some chains they found in his basement. They then partially burned the house and escaped into the surroundings of  Kirkland Ohio. They thrive near Crybaby bridge, named after the melonheads wail. This sounds like a story to scare children but if you go to Kirkland you can find Crybaby bridge and whats left of doctor Crowes house, and the chains the melonheads hung him on. Also the grave of doctor Crowe can be seen in a graveyard their. strange mutilations have been found in the woods in Kirkland.



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