Monday, October 27, 2014

Giant Triops

We have all heard of triops. Big nasty aquatic creatures that look like something out of a sci fi movie. But luckily their mandible are to small to bite us. But in a construction site near a nuclear power plant, a whole new story rises from the depths of a deep foundation ditch. Some construction workers had heard something moving in the foundation ditch. They threw some of their lunch into the ditch which stirred up something. they were able to catch what ever it was and it turned out to be a giant triop that tried to bite them. It writhed around on the ground a bit and then attacked again. They used equipment to kill the creature. they took several photographs of the body before disposing of it. A possible explanation for the size (5 ft.) is that the nuclear radiation in the area. It could also be a hoax, but with all the evidence, the provers agree that this is authentic. What do you tink? Real or fake? Post your thoughts in the comments.  

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