Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Alum Creek Bigfoot

Just a while ago I went to Alum Creek state park twice both times with one goal, to find an explanation for strange phenomena there. I was after Bigfoot. the first time I got there not much happened for the first two hours. Until I thought I heard something in the bushes. I sent my sister to the other side of the hedge and try to scare what ever it was out of the bushes. What ever it was ran too fast and I did not get a clear look at it. But I did Hear it. It was a noise like not other I had ever heard. It was human yet it was more like a ape. I ran back to the campsite and hid in my tent for the rest of the night. In the morning I checked some traps I had made. All they were was some food set up  in a muddy area. The idea was what ever ate the food would leave its foot prints on the ground. The food was gone, and the mud had a deer print in it. But when I checked the area where the thing ran out of the bushes and sure enough there was a huge human-like print in the mud. I tried to cast it but the print was to shallow and the casting crumbled. The second time I went one of my friends found a similar print in a over grown path by the fishing pond. But there were no other encounters that night. So Bigfoot hunters, you may want to check the place out. Perhaps a small park Could be home to a huge beast.


  1. My friends call me Zacksquatch. Seriously.

    1. What area of alum creek ?

    2. I heard there was something about a Bigfoot sighting on the news in alum creek . but I haven't been able to turn up any info on it ..

    3. I heard there was something about a Bigfoot sighting on the news in alum creek . but I haven't been able to turn up any info on it ..

    4. What area of alum creek ?

    5. It was at a camping site pretty off the road. This was years ago, but there is definitely something in those woods.
