Sunday, October 27, 2013

Carnivorous Trees

I have some bad news for hikers and nature fans, you know those pretty trees that are nice to climb and look at? Well eyewitnesses say that the're turning against us, and preparing to eat us all! The earliest sighting told of native being eaten by huge trees. People said how cows went into the woods to eat grass and returned without  tails. The trees were to blame. A recent encounter hurled a huge stone into skeptics theory that carnivores trees are no more then myth and hoaxes. A entire crowd of people said they saw a huge tree lift a cow up in to the air and try to kill the cow but a band of villagers went out and struck the tree with weapons till the trees wound proved fetal. The cow was rescued. Now the villagers can only hope that a more stronger tree will not return. What do you think? Real or fake? Post your thoughts in the comments.  

"Cryptid Wiki." Cryptid Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2013. <   

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