Sunday, November 3, 2013


Long ago, Lumberjacks told tales of creatures living in the woods. Lurking somewhere in the shadowy  uncharted areas. Sounds like the start to a horror story doesn't it? Well that's wrong. Number one, it is no fake horror story at all, it really could be true. And there is almost nothing terrifying about it. The wapaloosie is described as being the size of a sausage dog, having bird-like feet, and amazing climbing abilities. Plus it's adorable. I want one for a pet. I know you think it is adorable. I bet you can't look at at the face of the picture above and say "eww! Its so ugly!" at least I couldn't. What do you think? Real or fake? Post your thoughts in the comments.

"Cryptid Wiki." Cryptid Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2013. <


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